Enhanced Coverage, Competitive Rates.

IBDPro offers an exclusive policy that includes broad, comprehensive coverage for your business.

  • Defense Outside the Limits
  • Vanishing Deductible ($0 Deductible after 3 Years Claim Free)
  • First Dollar Defense Available
  • Innocent Insured Provision
  • Punitive and Exemplary Damages (if insurable by law)
  • Non-Auditable Policy
  • Insolvency Coverage for AM Best B+ or Higher
  • Subpoena Assistance Coverage: $25,000
  • Disciplinary Proceeding Coverage: $50,000 / $100,000

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IBDPro: The place to go for your E&O!

Get your E&O policy by submitting the application below. Need coverage for your MGA, Network, or Aggregator? IBDPro can help with that too.